To display the gospel to Lancaster youth in word and deed,
lead them to Jesus, unite them to each other and the local church,
and train them in the Word to follow Jesus and spread His gospel.
To display the gospel to Lancaster youth in word and deed,
lead them to Jesus, unite them to each other and the local church,
and train them in the Word to follow Jesus and spread His gospel.
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Sunday, September 8, 4:30–7:30pm @ Stoner Park
Come out for burgers, hot dogs, sides, desserts, and games as we kick off the new youth year! God is working in our lives and has wise and good plans for us this year, so that's reason to celebrate! All youth are encouraged to come, and to bring friends! Click the photo to RSVP and/or sign up to bring food!
Friday, October 11, 6pm – Sunday, October 13, 2:30pm
Youth taking this year's Confirmation class are going on a weekend retreat to Gretna Glen! This will be a rich time of activities, discussions, and reflections in a camp setting that will supplement our classes on Sunday mornings as youth work through their faith.
Friday, October 25, 6–9pm @ ?
"Mystery nights" are periodic youth-planned nights for building community by having fun together. Maybe we'll announce what we're doing...maybe not 😉 Either way they're definitely worth coming to, and everyone's encouraged to bring friends! (And yes, we'll give all the necessary details ahead of time!)